
Help your clients achieve their financial and life goals.

In a climate of increasing regulation, it’s important for financial planners to establish trust and show an understanding of the needs of the whole client.

Our resources are a cost-effective way to help your clients:

  • Consider all aspects of their life and create a vision of their future
  • Clarify their financial and life goals, and
  • Build motivation to plan financially

Clients who understand their goals and priorities are also better equipped to make decisions, and move smoothly and efficiently through the financial planning process. And offering extra value will give you a competitive edge in the market.

The nuts and bolts

Our resources can be integrated into your existing client portal, or we can host them for you. Of course you’ll need to measure how things are going, so we provide regular reporting on the important details, like how many of your clients are accessing the content, for how long, and which resources.

Talk to us about what you need to know and what will work best.

Our Programs

The Money Ready Program

Understanding the cost of retirement

The Retirement Ready Program

Preparing for the transition to retirement